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Hair care is a tough especially when there are so many shampoos conditioners masks serums and many more hair care products available in the market. Generally in most of the house holds the lady of the house picks out the shampoo of her choice or one which is being sold in a scheme and that is put on the shelf which is then used by all the members of the family not knowing whether or not it is suitable for them. So how does one actually choose which is meant for their hair/scalp. Few tips on what to keep in mind while picking a shampoo. Apart from considering your hair eg: colored hair dry hair frizzy hair etc one should consider the scalp eg: like shampoos for oily or dry scalp.

Color treated, chemically damaged and dry frizzy hair should opt for sulphate free shampoos as they are more kind on the hair. One may need more washes with such shampoos to make the hair feel squeaky clean.

Shampoos sold over the shelves have a lot of ingredients in them hence try and pick ones with minimal ingredients in it.

Easiest way is to approach a good Stylist or your stylist as they would advice you what is the requirement for your hair and scalp and they would also be able to suggest a couple of brands.

Don’t be afraid to change brands or shampoos infact one shud opt change as every 3/4 months as the weather changes and so does the scalp condition hence it is always preferable to change as per seasons, summer makes the scalp oily whereas the same scalp tends to become normal or dry in winters, hence a change is suggested.

Dandruff being a scalp condition would require a specific treatment shampoo which could be suggested by a hair stylist or if the case is severe then intervention of a Dermatologist becomes essential.

Have a clarifying shampoo on your shelf is also essential because once in a while a deep cleaning of the scalp is needed.

Always remember the hair quality and the scalp condition changes with seasons, lifestyle, health and water conditions hence if the shampoo that you commonly use is losing its efficacy look for a change, one can always go back to their choice whenever they feel so.

Use the above tips to make your choice easier.


The process of ageing makes us focus on treating the signs of ageing and we tend to give face the most attention as most of the prominent signs are visible to us on daily basis. For which we use anti-ageing creams serums sunscreen’s masks etc. Just because ageing is not evidently visible on other parts of the body we tend to ignore them, and these parts tend to age faster without catching our attention.

Let’s pay more attention and treat and pamper eyes, neck and hands as in the long run these would be the parts that would give away your age.

Eyes as they are prominent feature of the face, this area really makes one look old if the ageing signs appear.

Loss of elasticity giving rise to visible wrinkles called Crow’s Feet around the eyes,deep sunken eyes due to loss of fat and hydration caused by the reduction of Hyaluronic acid in the skin, under eye discoloration or dark circles caused by dehydration, strained eyes, thyroid, anemia etc. All the signs eventually give age to your face. To deal with these signs we need to use eye creams some of these products are indication specific and there are also general eye creams that can be used as an preventive measure. So when one applies a cream for the face make sure you have a eye cream to apply too.

Neck this area is just as likely to show signs of aging as your face is and sometimes more. These signs show up in the form of loose skin, wrinkles, dry skin and discolored patches.

These signs can be prevented or pushed back by a few years by using a moisturizer and sunscreen on daily basis. One can also use a neck cream which is specifically made to cover all concerns appearing in this area.

Hands can give away your age, with ageing they tend to dry due to which the skin forms wrinkles and age spots also appear at a later stage.

Hence hands need a lot of moisturizing, use a hands cream on daily basis preferably post washing your hands with soap/ hand wash. Also use a sunscreen regularly as hands is an exposed part of the body, this will avoid age spots and give a healthy look to your hands.

Take care of other parts of your Body before they start screaming AGE !!!!


The Pandemic has brought in a lot of stress as work from home is common and routine of eating hydration and sleep have gone for a toss due to this the effects are visible on skin and hair where skin becomes dull and looses its glow. In normal times skincare was convenient where one would enter a salon or skin clinic and the rest would be taken care by the experts. But today with the restrictions of movement and sitting long hours in front of screens whether laptops or television the UV rays emitted by these devices are direct damage to the skin.

So it becomes very important to start a skincare routine that maintains the skin. The simplest one is CTM where it is self done without too many fancy products.

Cleansing should be done in the morning and before bed time, where by using a it helps by removing excess oil, grime and dirt that is accumulated on the skin. The cleanser should be skin in circular movements. This product selected as per your skin type as we can choose a cream or water based cleanser as per the skin type.

Toning which is a step after cleansing helps to maintains the PH balance and refreshes the skin. Toner’s can be either sprayed on skin or it can be taken on cotton and dabbed on the skin. As skin types are different and hence toner’s need to selected as per one’s skin type where a oily skin would need a astringent based toner while a dry and sensitive skin would need refreshing toners that are san’s alcohol.

Moisturizing is a important part as it helps to nourish the skin and forms a protect barrier, it also helps to balance the oil and water content in skin. Moisturiser’s need to be applied over the toner as it would improve the spread and absorption.

Sunscreen using a sunscreen daily even if indoors is also important as it protects the skin from the damage of UV rays, even though we are indoors laptop screens and strong yellow lights emit harmful UV rays hence daily usage of sunscreen would help reduce the damage done by these UV rays. Sunscreen should be applied as layer on the skin it does not have to be absorbed into the skin. Selection of the sunscreen can be done as per the skin type.

In a weekly routine one could add the procedure of exfoliation and mask. Apart from this maintaining a healthy lifestyle also plays an important part, one should drink plenty of water, include greens, nuts and fruits in their diet and have a healthy sleep pattern.

These simple routines would help the skin feel refreshed. Thus leaving the soft supple and helps in maintaining it’s natural glow.