Certificate Course in Advance Nail Art

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Time Duration

3 Months

No. of modules

10 Modules


10th pass students


Live Session & Hands-on

Course Content

Course Information about Basic Makeup

  1. Careers opportunities in make up artistry 
  2. Health & safety & Good working practice
  3. Skin Science
  4. Facial Anatomy
  5. Contra -indications – Identifying Common Infectious Conditions
  6. Skin care products 
  7. Makeup Tools knowleadge and brush theory – brush cleaning process
  8. Product knowledge – Trolley setting
  9. Color theory- Color, Color wheel and types of color, color schemes, tint-shades-tones, warm/cool colors
  10. Eye liner demo or application practice: noraml eye liner, smuged eye liner, wingd eye liner
  11. Contour and highlighting techniques
  12. Face, nose, lips and eye shapes and correction
  13. Lipstick application Practice
  14. Eye makeup demo & practice natural eyes, shimmery eyes, half cut crease, sunset eyes, smokey eyes, funky eye’s
  15. Make up products & their applications techniques
  16. Color selection,skin complexion, pale & pink tone

Creation of different looks Demo and Practice

  1. Day Self Make up 
  2. Night Party Makeup 
  3. Nude Makeup / Corporate Makeup 
  4. Engagement Makeup 
  5. Special occasion make up
  6. Bridal Makeup
  7. Groom makeup
  8. Creative Content Mastery: Photography, Light Theory, Reels & Social
  9. Media Strategies
  10. Revision Class
  11. Exam

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IICA Provide Best Advance Makeup Courses in India

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Advance Makeup Course

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast